Taking a break from videos about digital presses (1,2,3,4,5,6 & 7), let's look at parallel processing for imaging. Giordano has previously solicited participation on this topic but surely there are some related videos out there? First up is a video about a parallel image processing system that is capable of "as many as 100 billon operations per second". (1 minute 41 seconds)
This video also states "the key to image recognition is parallel processing." (49 seconds) Of course high speed image recognition makes me think of a robotic system with the uncanny capability of following a gray sphere (see next video).
Getting back on topic is a two part video on parallel processing by Dr Graham Pullan of the University of Cambridge. The first part dicusses applications to medical image processing at about minute 3. The parallel image processing system is capable of voxel registration in 6 seconds.
Part two of the video continues the discussion and notes that the system they are using will "enable real-time processing of stereoscopic images at 200 Hz" (1 minute 37 seconds).
What's coming next?
Grothendieck's Use of Equality
4 days ago
No love for Adam and Jamie?
I actually really like the Adam & Jamie clip - but at plus one million views I figured a majority of readers might have seen it elsewhere...