Tuesday, February 12, 2013

New SPIE open access program

As of January 2013, all new articles published in SPIE journals for which authors pay voluntary page charges are open access immediately on the SPIE Digital Library. SPIE asks journal authors (and their employers or other funders of their research) to provide such support to enable SPIE to hold down subscription prices and maximize access to the research published in SPIE journals. Many authors and institutions provide this support and will now obtain open access for their articles by doing so.

Increasingly, employers and research funders require authors to publish their articles with open access and authors want to do so in order to expand the reach of their research. SPIE provides the benefit of immediate open access for all articles for which voluntary page charges are paid. In these cases, authors retain copyright and SPIE licenses these articles under the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY 3.0).

SPIE recognizes that researchers have modest funds to cover publication expenses. The voluntary page charges will continue to be low: $100 per published two-column page (for journals with both print and online formats) and $60 per published one-column page (for journals with an online format only).

For more information see http://spie.org/x85022.xml

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